Twilio Impact Report

Report | Building communications to change lives | 52 pages

2020 IMPACT REPORT Building communications to change lives Meet the impact heroes creating a better world with Twilio

Table of 03 Introduction 04 Letter from our CEO Contents 05 Executive summary 06 Impact areas 07 Our approach to social impact 08 Responding to crisis 18 Inspiring action 26 Building better lives 31 Diversity, equity and inclusion 37 Environmental, social and governance programs 41 Learnings 45 About Twilio and 47 Methodology 49 Appendix

Twilio Impact Report - Page 2

Section 01 •Letter from our CEO Intro •Measuring our progress

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      2020 challenged us - as humans, as businesses, as Even though everyone was impacted by the A letter leaders, as members of communities- more than pandemic in their personal lives and work lives, our any other year in my memory. People around the employees prioritized the health and wellbeing of from world felt the impact of the public health crises others. Through our employee impact program, and the economic downturn caused by COVID- WePledge 1%, Twilions gave 1 percent of their 19. A record number of natural disasters shined a time, income, or equity to causes they care our CEO spotlight on the global climate crisis. Here in the about. In 2020, we open-sourced the WePledge U.S., we faced an unprecedented reckoning with 1% program and recruited Okta, Atlassian, and systemic racism and a historic election. Despite Zoom to join us in partnership with Pledge 1%. all of these challenges, 2020 also showed how connected our world is and how giving back is I’m also proud that we took a stand as an anti-racist critical to each of us surviving and succeeding. company and built clear goals and processes to hold ourselves accountable for making progress I have always believed that businesses have a in 2020. We increased the representation of responsibility to give back to our communities women, Black, and LatinX employees. We and be good neighbors. Investing in social impact invested in building tech careers and engaging becomes even more critical when times are voters in historically marginalized communities. tough, and 2020 certainly put businesses to the test. This is why, when I reflect on 2020, one of We believe the world should be a better place the things I’m most proud of is how Twilio’s social because our company is in it, and this report gives impact division,, our impact customers, you the data and the stories to show how we and our employees rose to the challenge. Our focused our assets to do good. Thank you to every customers built communications to one of our employees, customers, and partners distribute emergency food supplies, notify people who “drew the owl” this year to help each other. exposed to COVID-19, and connect doctors with This is who we are. We care, and then we build. patients over video. Because we had invested heavily in building social impact programs since our founding, Twilio was ready to help the nonprofits, healthcare institutions, schools, and JEFF LAWSON (HE/HIM) local governments transform physical services — to digital and meet increased demand. CEO & CO-FOUNDER, TWILIO

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      Measuring our progress Every connection makes an impact 2020 was a record year for Twilio’s social REPRESENTATION impact. We supported nonprofits to scale programs with Twilio products, activated our employees to create change, funded innovative nonprofits and social enterprises, and improved the representation of women, Black, and 38.7% 5.5% 6.5% LatinX employees. Here are our key results. of employees of U.S. employees of U.S. employees identified as female identified as Black identified as LatinX (+6 pts) (+2 pts) (+1 pt) PRODUCT PEOPLE CAPITAL 266M 6,073 7,871 $1.1M $32M $57M in grants, in all-time people social impact volunteer hours donated to product credits, grants, product helped by social organizations logged by Twilio charitable causes and discounts credits, and impact organizations using Twilio products employees through by Twilio provided to impact discounts using Twilio to do good WePledge 1% employees organizations provided to impact organizations

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      Section 02 Impact 01 Responding to crisis Areas 02 Inspiring action 03 Building better lives

      With so many ways to make an impact These impact areas represent the change we Inspiring action engages people to take How Twilio in our world, we’ve focused on three hope to see in the world through the nonprofit action to change the world for good. Whether areas where we’ve seen our unique customers and grantees we serve. We’ve organizing communities, advocating for causes, makes a assets and customer engagement designed our programs for product support or contacting public officials, this impact area platform make the biggest difference: and discounts (Impact Access Program), mobilizes people to create positive social change. grants and investments (Impact Fund), and our difference 01 Responding to crisis employee impact program (WePledge 1%) to Building better lives is how we support 02 Inspiring action drive positive social change in these areas. people to improve their long-term outcomes 03 Building better lives and well-being. We do this by empowering Responding to crisis focuses on helping people in nonprofits to help those at risk connect with acute crises, or those facing an immediate threat to resources to build better lives through education, their wellbeing, get the help they need when they financial resources, healthcare, and more. need it. Our nonprofit partners often provide these services through crisis helplines and hotlines. We invest to empower to help Product: Respond to crisis Impact Access Program People in acute crisis get the help Twilio tech, discounts, credits, they need right when they need it Our approach technical support and partnerships to social change People: Our social impact partners Inspire action WePledge 1% Nonprofit organizations and People take action to change social enterprises committed to the world for good Employee giving and volunteer programs creating positive social change Capital: Build better lives Impact Fund People at risk connect with Grants and investments resources to build better lives

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      CONTENT WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT & SUBSTANCE USE Impact Area 01 Spikes in calls in for crisis services A history of committed partnership Building hotlines of hope Crisis response organizations saw extraordinary At, we focus on supporting people Our impact partners, both customers and grantees, demand in 2020. Stay-at-home orders and financial through acute crises such as natural disasters, demonstrated extraordinary innovation in building Responding distress exacerbated existing challenges for sexual abuse, substance use, refugee displacement, easy-to-use, confidential, scalable helplines to many people. RAINN, a national sexual assault mental health emergencies, and more. In 2019, we support people facing personal crises in 2020. to crisis hotline, reported a record 60,000 survivors established our Crisis Response and Prevention Twilio worked with 528 customer organizations of sexual assault and violence accessed their Initiative (CRPI) and Crisis Response Technology during the year focused on crisis response work, crisis line in May and June of 2020, including a Network (CRTN) to provide technology and share including Trans Lifeline, Norweigan Refugee Our Goal: record percentage of minors. The Partnership best practices across the industry. The group of Council, and Save the Children. In addition to Connect people in acute to End Addiction reported a nearly 50 percent leading organizations in their respective issue donations for COVID-19 rapid response and crisis with the help they increase in connections to help families overcome areas collaborates on how to innovate to help more disaster relief, we granted $2.9 million through need, when they need it addiction in the early days of the pandemic. people in crisis and leads Twilio in determining our Impact Fund to 20 organizations operating 2020 was also a record year for natural disasters, how best to support the sector. With the CRTN’s crisis lines to help people access legal support, from fires in Australia and the western United feedback, we’ve built product templates and code culturally appropriate medical care, domestic abuse States to a record-breaking hurricane season. samples to help organizations quickly stand up support, suicide prevention, and resettlement aid. crisis hotlines based on their unique needs. 528 crisis organizations using Twilio products $4M distributed through the Impact Fund 8

      Customer spotlight International Rescue Committee

      Twilio Impact Report - Page 9

      CONTENT WARNING: VIOLENCE Customer spotlight Information as The International Rescue Committee’s Signpost project provides people empowerment displaced by violence with access to life-saving resources One in every 100 people in the world is a Now, when a refugee or displaced person refugee, according to the United Nations. reaches out to the Signpost Twilio-powered The International Rescue Committee (IRC) WhatsApp number, they get an immediate knows access to information can mean the response. The return message provides topics difference between freedom and persecution the refugee could learn more about, from for refugees navigating their journey to COVID-19 health information, to legal support, safety. The IRC team launched Signpost, a women’s health, food security, housing, and Thanks to Twilio, we can now have mobile website for life-saving information on more. When they ask about a particular a real-time dialogue with a woman legal aid, housing, food, and healthcare, at topic, the bot responds with more resources. who’s fleeing from armed actors in the height of the refugee crisis in Europe. If a refugee has a unique question or wants El Salvador with her kid. She wants to talk to a person, the chatbot seamlessly to know where’s safe, who can she Following the success of Signpost, IRC wanted connects them to a trained moderator. trust, if there’s a safe house—and to expand the program to address needs of we’re able to respond to her." displaced people in Guatemala, Honduras, Twilio's automated messaging systems enable and El Salvador. IRC learned that people in the Signpost moderators to keep up with demand region preferred to engage over WhatsApp to for information, which increased multiple times get trusted information, instead of a website. at the start of the pandemic. In the first quarter DAVID MILIBAND That’s why IRC chose Twilio’s cloud contact after launching in El Salvador, Honduras, and (HE/HIM) center, Twilio Flex, to build their helpline. Using Guatemala, IRC's Twilio-powered helpline — PRESIDENT & CEO, IRC Twilio Flex, IRC was able to engage refugees supported 3,412 people and powered 25,181 over WhatsApp, build chatbots, and integrate messages. Moving forward, IRC plans to expand their internal case management system. its WhatsApp refugee helpline to other regions, including the U.S. and parts of Europe.

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      Customer spotlight The Trevor Project

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          CONTENT WARNING: SUICIDE Customer spotlight Supporting LGBTQ youth in crisis The Trevor Project built a new In the U.S., suicide is the second leading cause program—onto Twilio Programmable SMS, which Partners like Twilio have enabled SMS platform to more quickly of death among young people ages 10 to 24, eliminated a 10-second delay for each message The Trevor Project’s counselors to triage messages and deliver and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, sent via their old platform. This has resulted in send and receive messages from mental health support and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are four times saving 10 minutes per conversation on average, LGBTQ youth in crisis at a faster rate, more likely to attempt suicide than their peers. allowing Trevor to serve more young people and improving our ability to serve higher provide critical help to each individual as quickly volumes more effectively. When it The Trevor Project knows that supportive as possible. The switch to Twilio SMS, along with comes to suicide prevention, every adults can be life-savers for LGBTQ young other actions taken by Trevor, contributed to a second counts, so this technology people experiencing mental health issues and 22 percent increase in crisis contacts served in helps us save young lives.” suicidal thoughts. For more than 20 years, the the first six months of the platform re-launch. organization has provided free and confidential crisis intervention and suicide prevention services The new SMS platform enables The Trevor to LGBTQ youth via phone, text, and chat. Project to conduct a pre-counseling risk JOHN CALLERY assessment to prioritize higher-risk contacts in (HE/HIM) Twilio technology has played a crucial role in the queue. The Twilio-powered platform further — VP OF TECHNOLOGY, the organization’s ability to scale their programs enables counselors to transfer conversations, THE TREVOR PROJECT and serve more youth. The organization which ensures a sustainable model for all moved TrevorText—The Trevor Project’s SMS staff and volunteer crisis counselors. Social Impact Heroes: Twilio customers and grantees leading in crisis response

          Twilio Impact Report - Page 12

          Impact spotlight Responding to COVID-19

          Twilio Impact Report - Page 13

          Impact spotlight A rush of overlapping crises • Luma Health launched their video donated $1 million to COVID-19 relief efforts by COVID-19 threw many people into hardship telehealth solution in two weeks and the UN Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community with spikes in food insecurity, financial distress, helped more than 19,000 health care Foundation, and the Colorado Mile High United Helping people and health emergencies. Twilio was built to providers adapt to remote care. Way. Our employees donated more than $88,000 respond to an unprecedented emergency like • The City of Pittsburgh’s IT department moved to relief causes together with our company match. through the this. We activated our team and technology to help organizations on the front lines provide its 311 contact center operations remote in Providing product support and best practices, we distanced-friendly health, education, and financial just one week to continue to allow residents published our COVID-19 Communications Field pandemic support through digital communications. to report non-emergency problems or get Guide to help organizations transform physical information, like where to get a COVID-19 test. communications to digital in just a few days. We Recognizing community heroes • ATLFAMILYMEAL distributed more shared communication templates and developer From healthcare organizations implementing than 75,000 meals to Atlanta-area tutorials for mass notifications, telemedicine, telehealth appointments, to food banks hospitality workers by coordinating food distance learning, contactless delivery, and more. transforming physical wait lines into scheduled drop offs with SMS notifications. texts, there are countless Community Heroes that To help slow the spread of the virus, our innovated to serve more people during this time Helping our neighbors team collaborated closely with public health of crisis using Twilio technology. Here are just a To support our global community and the departments to launch contact centers for few of the many organizations we honored: neighborhoods near our largest offices, we contact tracing and vaccination distribution. Over Supported $1M $88,215 1 billion 28 telehealth minutes contact tracing donated donated ief efforts by Twilio bal relief efforts to rel powered by initiatives to glo Twilio Video covering nearly ½ of via the Impact Fund employees, including U.S. population Twilio’s match

          Customer spotlight United Way

          Customer spotlight An easy-to- remember resource for United Way Worldwide ramps up 211 capabilities essential needs and technology amid COVID-19 outbreak In a typical year, 211 receives 35,000 calls a day, platform, where the AI-assisted IVR bot built on Our goal isn’t to reduce the call connecting people to essential social services Twilio Autopilot and Twilio Flex could answer volume—it’s to increase our ability such as housing, financial assistance, food access, commonly asked questions about COVID-19. If to answer the call volume. We childcare, transportation, and more. But in the the caller still wanted to speak to a specialist, want to be able to talk to everyone immediate aftermath of COVID-19, the network they would be routed to a live agent or back to who wants to talk to us, and we (made up of more than 200 agencies and their a local 211 with available specialists to answer. need centralized, efficient, and roughly 2,000 social service specialists) was seamless technology to do that.” receiving 75,000 calls every day, an increase The system was first tested in Ohio to provide in call volume of more than 100 percent. call coverage to every county. With the entire state now covered by a connected 211 system, The 211 team at United Way Worldwide wanted 211 agencies are now in talks with state RACHEL KRAUSMAN to better connect the decentralized 211 systems to government to activate and receive funding to — SR, DIRECTOR OF 211, make it easier to load balance call volumes, engage build capacity even further, which wouldn’t have UNITED WAY WORLDWIDE volunteers, and more efficiently share information. been possible before the new technology. They quickly developed a streamlined routing For the United Way team, this is all part of their system with a front-end interactive voice desire to find any possible way to help, whether response (IVR). People could call in to a single in their already-heroic regular course of business 1-800 number or their local 211, which would or during extraordinary times such as these. automatically transfer some calls to the new

          The CDC names contact tracing as a vital part tracing needs of roughly 156 million people, lower-risk contacts. And they can follow up of a multi-pronged approach to responding or nearly half the United States population. with patients and contacts via Twilio’s channel to COVID-19, essential for lowering mortality APIs for SMS, email, and voice recordings to and slowing the spread of the virus. Twilio Flex is a natural fit for the contact tracing monitor the spread of the virus, recovery rate, workflow. Contact tracers can trigger an SMS and how many contacts have gotten sick. In 2020, Twilio worked with 28 cities, states, alert from Twilio Flex with survey questions and universities to launch contact tracing or link to a secure web portal, where patients Twilio is committed to supporting public initiatives, including New York City, the City can self-report contacts on their own. They health departments in their continued contact of Philadelphia, and Illinois. These projects can trigger an SMS alert, email, or voice tracing and vaccine distribution efforts. have the potential to address the contact recording to share educational materials to Impact Spotlight Slowing the spread of the virus Twilio powers contact tracing communications for nearly half of U.S. population

          Impact Area 02 Organizing movements for change communications technology has been vital in As a result, our grantees engaged 10.5 million 2020 was a catalytic year for political and connecting people and inspiring action. Our impact underrepresented voters, sent 65 million texts and social movements. In the U.S., the Black Lives partners use Twilio to organize people at scale 37 million emails providing election information, Inspiring Matter movement gained historic momentum, and empower people to advocate for causes that and protected voter registration data for more and the country held an election that resulted matter to them. In 2020, worked with than 120 million voters. Many organizations driving action in record voter turnout. Around the world, 735 civic engagement and action organizations voter turnout and education also used Twilio’s growing calls for democracy, racial justice, and platform to transition in-person organizing to digital action against climate change reverberated in Getting out the vote in channels, helping to inspire record participation. To Our Goal: the streets and the halls of governments, and marginalized communities engage U.S. employees in the democratic process, Empower people to increasingly, technology companies are being To support a free and fair election in the U.S., we Twilio ran an internal campaign and co-published held accountable for the role we have to play in granted a total of $500,000 to 5 organizations the Get Out the Vote Playbook—a Pledge 1% take action to change ensuring a fair and sustainable future for all. working to get out the vote, educate voters, peer-to-peer action guide—with PagerDuty. the world for good and prevent and address voter suppression in Community organizing is about inspiring people historically marginalized communities—including to take action. With the pandemic removing Black Voters Matter Fund, Democracy Works, most in-person opportunities for organizing, Protect Democracy, MomsRising and Woke Vote. 735 impact organizations using Twilio technology to empower people to take action $1.5M distributed to 20 organizations through the Impact Fund

          Grantee spotlight WOKE VOTE

          Grantee spotlight Engaging voters in Black Woke Vote leverages technology and relationship-building to communities change the face of U.S. politics Woke Vote’s work engaging voters in the engagement work has been led by individuals 2020 election started long before candidates from the communities they are working in, which hit the campaign trail. Founded in 2017, Woke allowed Woke Vote to continue meaningful Vote seeks to mobilize voters of color in the engagement with voters even after the pandemic political process via a multifaceted approach forced them to limit in-person engagement. that includes social impact demonstrations, The work of empowering communities get out the vote efforts, and outreach via In 2020, Woke Vote received a grant from doesn’t start or end with elections historically Black colleges and universities,’s Impact Fund. They used the grant but elections do illuminate the faith-based organizations, and social media. to increase organizers across the 16 cities they power of communities and their were working in and support broad programming ability to impact change. We are For Woke Vote, elections are part of a broader efforts like voter education and digital strategy. proud to engage, mobilize, lead strategy for building a more inclusive political Through Woke Vote’s Commit to Vote program, with and impact communities of process, and the organization works to form volunteers sent out 500,000 texts and made color through political and social long-term relationships with communities 1.3+ million phone calls in less than 5 months, engagement. We will continue to that have faced historic underinvestment and and the organization was able to engage more build power that allows communities disenfranchisement as a result of segregation and than 1.2 million voters across their programs. to ultimately change their material racial inequality in the U.S. They do this across conditions and save themselves.” the entire cycle, including engagement in local Moving forward, Woke Vote will continue to and statewide elections and the policy-making mix tech-based outreach and education with process, not just during presidential election years. relationship-building, organizer training, and on-the-ground voter mobilization, in an effort DEJUANA THOMPSON The organization’s “long game” approach to advance an agenda of justice and fairness to (SHE/HER), was key to their continued effectiveness after the center of the American political process. — FOUNDER, WOKE VOTE COVID-19 hit. The overwhelming majority of their

          Grantee spotlight MomsRising

          Grantee spotlight Focusing on low frequency MomsRising leveraged digital MomsRising depends on cutting edge and traditional engagement technology to do just about all our voters strategies to mobilize voters work. The connectivity it enables is our superpower. Without texting and At the outset of the 2020 election, MomsRising to vote), as well as more tried and true approaches other technologies, we wouldn’t be set a goal of sending 3 million get out the like texting, phone calls, and postcards. They able to educate people and mobilize vote texts to low frequency mom voters. also ran digital ads in multiple languages. grassroots action to advance solutions Thanks to support from more than 72,000 to the most critical issues facing volunteers and funding from donors like MomsRising sees technology as key to their women, mothers, and families., they sent 23+ million texts instead. efforts moving forward. Texting, organization leaders say, is an accessible and effective way to Founded in 2006, MomsRising is a transformative, engage volunteers, and in the future, MomsRising KRISTIN on-the-ground and online multicultural nonprofit, hopes to work with partners like Twilio to explore ROW-FINKBEINER focused on increasing family economic security, ways for text programs to effectively scale. The — ending discrimination against women and organization is also engaging moms outside of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR mothers, and building a nation where businesses election cycles, and they’ve already made more & CEO, MOMSRISING and families can thrive. Their 2020 get out the than 800,000 constituent contacts around COVID- vote efforts aimed to increase voter participation 19 relief alone, leveraging technology to amplify among women and mothers, and their strategy the political power of one of the largest and most included novel approaches targeted specifically influential voting blocs in the U.S.—moms. towards moms (such as providing activities that parents can do with children while waiting in line Social Impact Heroes: Twilio customers and grantees leading social change by inspiring people to take action

          Impact spotlight Twilions taking action

          Impact spotlight Engaging employees in social change Open-sourcing the program Inspired by the Pledge 1% movement, Twilio At SIGNAL 2020, Twilio’s annual developer and founded the WePledge 1% program in 2019 to customer conference, we announced we were Building a global empower our employees‚ Twilions to take action open-sourcing WePledge 1% to individuals for good. Through the program, Twilions commit around the world and other companies. Our movement of to giving one percent of their time, income, inaugural partners, Atlassian, Okta, and or equity to do good. We support them by Zoom, signed on to enable their more than providing volunteer time off, accessible volunteer 13,000 total employees to take action for employee giving opportunities, matching gifts, and the opportunity social good, and Pledge 1% brought WePledge to donate company equity. It’s a model proven 1% to its global community of impact-led Our WePledge 1% program activates to drive impact at scale. In the first year of companies. We also opened WePledge 1% to employees and individuals to the program, 1,387 Twilions took the Pledge, every individual who wants to pledge to do contribute 1% to do good donated a combined $1.1 million dollars, and good, even if they don’t work at one of these contributed 7,871 hours of service to social good. companies. To amplify the community’s impact, Twilio donated $1 million toward organizations selected by WePledge 1% members. 52% 1,387 7,871 $1.1M 1,117 3 of Twilions individuals volunteer donated by social impact organizations participated including 37% of hours logged Twilions organizations bringing WePledge 1% in WePledge 1% employess, took the and matched receiving WePledge 1% to their companies programs 1% pledge by Twilio support

          Employee spotlight Here’s how Twilions are taking action Advocating for racial Responding to local Giving back as a equity and justice community needs volunteer crisis during COVID-19 counselor UX researcher Analytics manager Senior account Danielle Green Aaron Lim picks executive shares her read- up to-go orders for Christina Kopka aloud book for delivery to family volunteers as a Juneteenth. and friends. crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line. The Black Twilions ERG partnered with to lead In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Aaron Lim, Christina Kopka, strategic account executive, a racial equity and justice fundraising campaign. They marketing analytics manager, supported his favorite San volunteers as a crisis counselor with Crisis paired this with a Juneteenth volunteer opportunity Francisco Chinatown restaurants and personally delivered Text Line, an organization that offers free and where Twilions read stories written by or featuring take-out orders to friends and family—more than 70 orders in confidential mental health support via SMS. underrepresented characters. The stories were shared one weekend—for free! He realized this was picking up more Christina believes that everyone deserves space with school districts near our offices. 700 Twilions “steam than a hot pork bun,” so he started a fundraiser via a to be soft and human, and Crisis Text Line participated in the campaign, raising more than $258,000 Facebook campaign that raised more than $26,000 for the provides that space when it’s needed most. for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Center for Chinatown Community Development Center. Aaron encouraged Volunteering as a crisis counselor has helped her Policing Equity, and Twilions submitted 89 virtual read Twilions to match their donations using WePledge 1% benefits grow in compassion and empathy for others. In alouds for the Juneteenth volunteer opportunity. and raised an additional $6,500 for the organization. 2020, Christina logged 60+ volunteer hours!

          Impact Area 03 Increasing access to opportunity 71 million people are expected to be Aligning our resources with our values Systemic inequities continue to perpetuate pushed into extreme poverty in 2020. In 2020, we granted a total of $400,000 cycles of poverty. Even before the global Many of’s impact partners are finding through our Impact Fund to organizations Building economic crisis that accompanied the innovative ways to help connect people to working to help underrepresented people, pandemic, many people were already struggling critical resources through digital engagement— including Black and LatinX people and veterans better lives to find sustainable employment, supply regular for example social service organizations are become developers—YearUp, Black Girls meals to their families, and access benefits. helping individuals apply for benefits using Code, NPower and Smash. All proceeds from We believe economic opportunity is essential chatbots, improving attendance rates for court the Ask Your Developer book, authored by Our Goal: to building a just and equitable society. and case appointments with SMS reminders, Twilio co-founder and CEO Jeff Lawson, are Connect people at risk and connecting youth with mentors over also being donated to these organizations. with the resources they Why we focus on quality of life video. These use cases demonstrate how need to build better lives In the U.S., 20 percent of school aged connecting individuals to vital services can be These grants brought our total Impact children live in poverty and 21 percent of faster, more effective, and more equitable with Fund donations and investments for the total population access government increasing digitization. In 2020, we supported 2020 to $6 million and our all-time giving assistance benefits each month. Globally, 5,198 customers using Twilio technology. from the Impact Fund to $16 million. 5,198 organizations using Twilio products $400K granted to 4 organizations through our Impact Fund

          Customer spotlight Kinvolved

          Customer spotlight Every year, 7 million children in the U.S. miss a communications platform composed of percent increase in usage of its KiNVO platform, a month or more of school. As early as the Twilio’s Programmable Messaging, Voice, Notify, including attendance notifications, emergency sixth grade, student attendance is the leading Lookup, and Phone Numbers APIs. KiNVO alerts, and two-way messaging with caregivers. Reducing indicator of high school graduation. Only 20 instantly translates two-way messages in 80+ percent of students who are chronically absent languages, so teachers and parents can have As distance learning continues to be the new student in ninth grade will graduate from high school. conversations even if the language used in class normal, the flexibility and scalability of KiNVO’s isn’t the parent’s home language. And, KiNVO SMS-based communications generated a 63 For the team at Kinvolved, the mission is seemingly doesn’t require access to the internet, making percent increase in the number of new students it absenteeism simple: increase student achievement by the platform more accessible to many families. serves, as new district partners have signed on. minimizing absenteeism. Kinvolved is a mission- Kinvolved helps schools driven organization that helps school systems In the wake of COVID-19, school closures and Using a holistic approach that combines engage families and improve improve family engagement and attendance the sudden transition to remote learning made technology, tools, and human intervention, student attendance in service of elevating student outcomes and attendance an even more significant challenge. Kinvolved seeks to change the deeply ingrained keeping students on track to graduate. While many schools across the country suddenly behaviors and external factors affecting realized they were missing contact information student attendance and chronic absence. With equity and engagement at the center of and unable to reach their students and families, Kinvolved’s approach, the team created the KiNVO schools were prepared. During the onset attendance platform KiNVO, which includes of the pandemic, Kinvolved saw a more than 200 We’ve found that SMS is one of PATRICK MCLAUGHLIN the most reliable ways to engage — families, because even if they DIRECTOR OF MARKETING, don’t have Internet connection or KINVOLVED a smartphone, most adults in the United States, at this point, have some type of cellular device that can receive text messages.”

          Customer spotlight Benefits Data Trust

          Customer spotlight Millions of people in the U.S., who struggle to pay like SMS and Autopilot. Texting, once seen as percent more calls in one week. The BDT team for food, housing, and healthcare, are eligible supplemental to BDT’s mail programs, is now a knew they’d have to act quickly to accelerate for public benefits but aren’t currently enrolled prominent strategy, critical for increasing client their scale-up plans. In just a few weeks, BDT Transforming in public programs. Benefits Data Trust (BDT) follow-through rates and generating cost savings for increased their staff by almost 25 percent and leverages data, targeted outreach, policy change, the organization. In late 2019, BDT even launched invested in more Twilio-powered hotline phone access to social and new technologies to inform individuals about a pilot chatbot program in partnership with the numbers for their partners to share with clients. their eligibility and connect them to benefits. College Board to help students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). There are still billions of dollars on the table in benefits Since 2005, BDT has submitted more than 1 unclaimed government benefits. Moving forward, million applications and secured $7.5+ billion When COVID-19 hit, the U.S. economy lost BDT will continue to leverage communications Benefits Data Trust runs scalable, in benefits and services for eligible people. As 22 million jobs between March and April of technology to drive innovation, and ensure data-driven initiatives to connect 2020 began, BDT was already embarking on an 2020—more than the Great Depression and the that millions of Americans are able to survive people in need to benefit programs ambitious plan to scale its services and expand Great Recession combined. In the Philadelphia and thrive during these challenging times. communications channels through Twilio products area alone, BDT’s contact center answered 800 Twilio’s cloud communications TROOPER SANDERS (HE/HIM) platform for texting has been — instrumental to BDT's progress in CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO), helping to reach more people in BENEFITS DATA TRUST need more efficiently, and in a more personalized way. Twilio has been a great partner in working with us to provide technical solutions to social issues and accelerating delivery of those solutions to key markets.” Social Impact Heroes: Twilio customers and grantees leading in helping people build better lives

          Section 03 Diversity, & equity, inclusion

          Investing in equity & anti-racism Holding ourselves accountable In 2020, Twilio made a commitment to We are invested in building a more diverse, becoming an anti-racist organization, equitable, and inclusive global workplace. leveraging our product, people, and resources At Twilio we define these terms as: to create a more just and equitable world. • Diversity: Building our compositional I joined Twilio in September because We are dedicated to thinking carefully about I was struck by their genuine how we show up in the world and fight against representation by attracting diverse talent commitment to become an anti- inequities in our systems, processes, and • Equity: Ensuring we have equitable mechanisms racist company. This commitment products while holding ourselves accountable. in place to invest in, evaluate, and reward talent was made at the executive level, We will do this by building a foundation of before I joined as the chief diversity processes, policies, data, reporting, and • Inclusion: Creating safe spaces for all Twilions officer. Twilio didn't wait until I was insights to align and drive our strategy. hired to do this work; they owned their commitment and established accountabilities to stay on track." 70% LYBRA CLEMONS 38.7% 5.5% 6.5% (SHE/HER), of employees of U.S. employees of U.S. employees of employees — participated in CHIEF DIVERSITY OFFICER, identified as female identified as Black identified as LatinX "Be Inclusive" TWILIO (+6 pts) (+2 pts) (+1 pt) curriculum

          DEI spotlight Living our commitments

          DEI spotlight We created our first set of company-wide racial justice and equity business priorities and measures (BPMs) in the summer of 2020. A new chief diversity Living our officer assumed the role and established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) team, whose work builds commitments off of a history of action within the company. Talent acquisition Talent development Employee Resource Groups We believe Twilio needs a diversity of voices, Twilio aims to offer equitable opportunities for Twilio’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) leaders, and builders to be a best-in-class all employees to develop, succeed and lead by are voluntary, employee-led, and Twilio- organization. To recruit a diverse workforce, implementing equitable talent development sponsored groups created to support and we enacted the following programs in 2020: mechanisms. In 2020, this included: celebrate the shared identities and life • The Inclusion Rule, an internal recruitment • Expanding our BetterUp Coaching offerings experiences of communities within Twilio. policy to ensure a diverse slate of candidates. to all Black and LatinX Twilions, with a focus ERGs also help us find, keep, and grow diverse • Twilio Unplugged, an interview preparation on career planning and development. talent. They are open to and welcoming of every series aimed to provide candidates with the right • RiseUp, a cohort-based, targeted Twilio employee, including identifying members tools, skills, and resources to pass our interviews. leadership development program for of the various communities as well as allies. • Bar Raiser Program, which works to new Black and LatinX Twilions. Twilio ERGs active in 2020 included: Black mitigate bias from our hiring process • Launching our Be Inclusive curriculum to Twilions, Latinx @ Twilio, Remoties, Asians @ by including a neutral interviewer. build a common language around inclusion Twilio, Spectrum, The Family Nest, Twarriors, and potential biases for all Twilions. Twilipinos, Women @ Twilio, and Wonder. • Hatch, Twilio’s six month software engineering apprenticeship program for individuals from non- • Continued focus and investigation into pay parity traditional and underrepresented backgrounds. to confirm employees with the same job and location are paid fairly relative to one another, regardless of their gender or ethnicity.

          DEI spotlight In 2020, 38.7 percent of Twilio’s workforce identified Though we are performing strongly compared as female, up 6 points from 2019. In the United to our industry in terms of these metrics, we States, 26.4 percent of our workforce identified as will continue to use ourselves as a benchmark How we're doing Asian, 5.5 percent as Black (a 2 point increase from and monitor our own progress annually. 2019), and 6.5 percent LatinX (a 1 point increase). Global United States workforce workforce representation¹ representation 38.7% Female 0.3% American Indian 60.5% Male or Alaska Native 0.5% Undeclared 26.4% Asian 0.2% Other 5.5% Black 6.5% LatinX 5.5% Black (+2pts) 38.7% Female (+6pts) 0.7% Native Hawaiian 6.5% LatinX (+1pt) or Other Pacific Islander 26.4% Asian (-2pts) 0.8% Other 3.0% Two or More Races 5.3% Undeclared 51.4% White 1 This report uses the terms "female" and "male" to accurately reflect how Twilions self-identified in response to the existing data fields in our HR system. Though statistically accurate, we recognize that these terms are not inclusive of all individuals who identify as women or men, or who were assigned female or male at birth but do not identify as women or men. Moving forward, we are working on ways for our data and reporting to most accurately reflect our workforce.

          DEI spotlight Where we're headed Developing targeted goals As a small but growing company, Twilio is in a unique position to embed diversity and inclusion from the ground up. We started by redefining how we track demographic representation across our workforce. In the past, we have tracked and set goals based on the combined representation of underrepresented populations. However, moving forward, we will track and measure progress against goals for representation by specific demographic groups. At a global level, this includes women, people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ individuals; and in the U.S., this includes Asian, Black and LatinX representation, as well as veterans. We are using these specified demographics to better understand where we are today in order to create actionable next steps going forward. For example, in 2021, one of our company- wide BPMs is to increase the representation of U.S. Black employees at the director level.

          Section 04 Environmental, social, & governance programs

          Furthering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices at Twilio ESG oversight of whom bring unique perspectives to Twilio’s Data and privacy Twilio is committed to sound governance and management and oversight. Senior executives Customer trust is key to our success and that oversight of our impact on our community provide regular updates to the board, and the of our shareholders. That is why we take a “no and environment. For this reason, our Board’s board regularly engages with executives and the shenanigans” approach to data protection. This Nominating and Corporate Governance broader company, including attending certain includes making sure that everyone has information Committee has direct oversight in its charter of business reviews and company-wide meetings. on how we process data, which can be found in our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) our Privacy Statement, and disclosing how we Updated our activities and related strategies. We have also Our commitment to corporate governance handle government requests in our semi-annual carbon footprint established an ESG Committee that is made up of a is articulated in our annual Proxy Statement Transparency Report. Twilio also has a host of third- measure cross-functional leadership team for a holistic view disclosure, which provides detailed information party assurance around our implementation of to set a baseline for of ESG topics across Twilio. This ESG Committee on our board structure and composition, security best practices, which can be found along improvement over time has oversight of ESG policies and controls at Twilio. stockholder rights and engagement, executive with additional security information on our website. For more information on our ESG documents compensation, and other key governance topics. and disclosures, visit our investor website. Business ethics Human rights We describe our business ethics and Corporate governance Twilio is committed to furthering human rights and responsibilities in our Code of Conduct and Effective corporate governance practices are to identifying and mitigating risks that business provide required training to all our employees Named important for business execution, and are operations could pose to such rights. Twilio’s and management on ethical business conduct, ultimately a benefit for our shareholders. Twilio’s Human Right’s Statement outlines our human rights anti-corruption, and anti-harassment. 2020 board is made up of directors with a mix of approach with regards to privacy, labor practices, Best Workplaces skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds, all anti-discrimination, and diversity in the workplace. for Parents by Great Places to Work

          ESG spotlight Environmental sustainability Twilio believes in conserving natural resources and minimizing our impact on the environment. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Twilio’s board oversees management’s implementation of our environmental disclosure. Breakdown of Measuring our carbon emissions In accordance with our commitment to sustainable carbon footprint Our goal at Twilio is to limit our impact on climate business practices and our climate change change and to carry out our business activities program, we will be using 2019 data as our 60.2% Flights in a sustainable manner. As a business that is baseline for measurement moving forward. 28.4% Site Electricity conducted largely online, our carbon footprint may 9.2% Data Centres be smaller than manufacturing or businesses, but Reviewing our water management 2.3% Other we still strive to limit our impact on climate change. Twilio occupies numerous commercial spaces where our employees work. The majority of Total In 2019, our carbon footprint, the amount of these spaces are leased or sub-leased portions Carbon greenhouse gases produced by our business of larger facilities where we have lesser control Footprint activities, was 17,427.95 tCO₂e, measured in units of overall use of energy and resources, including 17,427.95 tCO₂e of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).1 Twilio’s water. Nonetheless, we aim to minimize the greenhouse gas emissions result primarily from amount of water we use in our operations. airline travel, followed by site electric usage. The We conducted a review of our water usage for appendix of this report provides further details of calendar year 2019 and determined that, in the the results for Twilio’s carbon footprint calculation, locations managed solely by us, we consumed including emissions by scope and source activity. approximately 600,000 gallons of water. 1 This measurement covers the following areas from the World Resources Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Scope 1 (Direct Emissions: including company car travel and refrigerants), Scope 2 (Energy Indirect, including consumption of electricity on-site and in our data centers), and Scope 3 (Other Indirect, including employee commuting), as well as the production of GHGs.

          ESG spotlight Growing and Orientation and functional onboarding Performance management, action plan with their team based on their results. Twilio has hired more than 2,000 people in the promotions, and talent reviews We also engage in informal mechanisms last two years. Accordingly, we’ve focused our In 2019, we introduced a new performance of feedback, including leadership round- developing talent development investments on getting our system, whereby managers first work with tables to better understand the experience new hires onboarded faster, and in the age of their teams to set clear priorities through our of select communities. All Twilions can Twilio talent COVID-19, entirely remotely. New hires attend a Big Picture, Priorities, and Measures (BPM) raise questions directly to our executive one-week interactive orientation that includes two goal-setting framework, then have regular team in company-wide calls. days of "Welcome to Twilio" content. They also and meaningful feedback conversations with participate in a coding bootcamp to learn how to their team members throughout the year. Employee safety launch a Twilio app. This program has become Employees conduct bi-annual performance Twilio is also committed to a safe and healthy a rite of passage for new employees and helps reviews that include written stakeholder work environment for all our employees, and them “wear the customer's shoes,” one of our feedback, robust calibration, and a detailed has an Injury and Illness Prevention Program that core company values. Those who successfully assessment of each Twilion’s work. Our focuses on Twilio’s commitment to emergency create their own app are able to sport the red executive team also reviews our senior preparedness and health and safety. Twilio track jacket proudly. Twilions finish their leadership talent pools annually, at a minimum, onboarding week with functional bootcamps and we further invest in high performing and tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. high potential Twilions through compensation Responding to COVID-19 and targeted leadership development. To support employee wellbeing, Twilio established Manager development a number of new programs in response to We offer a foundational set of manager Engagement and employee experience the pandemic and the transition to full-time enablement solutions to build leadership We typically run our Employee Experience work from home. We established No Meeting excellence. These programs focus our managers survey twice per year, with a focus on four Fridays, created flexible work schedules, gave on a defined set of expectations, which we key areas: employee engagement, manager employees a home office stipend, a caregiver measure them against in their bi-annual Manager effectiveness, belonging and inclusion, stipend, free membership, and paid Effectiveness Survey. We further support and overall employee experience. time off through our COVID-19 Support Leave managers with an ecosystem of training and Every Twilion is able to review survey results to care for a family member. Great Place to workshops, such as our Manager Quickstart, for the company and their department. Senior Work recognized Twilio as one of the 2020 Best Managing to Unlock Performance, and Manager leaders also receive the qualitative comments and Workplaces for Parents as a result of these new Foundations. Additionally, every manager is analysis from our HR team that informs annual efforts and our existing benefits for parents. provided a professional coach through BetterUp. planning, and managers are required to create an

          Section 05 Our top 5 learnings Twilio is committed to sharing lessons we’ve learned in 2020 to support our peers in corporate social impact. We welcome feedback and conversation from fellow Twilions, from 2020 social impact organizations, and our tech peers on these takeaways.

          Top learnings from 2020 Nonprofits are on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. The wide breadth of nonprofits building in-person programming while managing with APIs and innovating constantly with more demand than ever. Social impact new technology smashes any stereotype organizations led the charge in adopting that nonprofits are behind the times. new communications technology to help When COVID-19 hit, many nonprofits more people requiring support remotely. 01 had to transform their traditional

          02 Integrating 03 Trust-based funding into our core business gives nonprofits the enables Twilio to best opportunity to maximize social impact. adapt and innovate. We deliberately bucked the trend of We’re united in wanting to make an Historically, we’ve supported short-term We learned that, as funders, we need operating a nonprofit arm separately from impact, which allows us to generate project-specific grants through our to back organizations whose long-term the core business, instead establishing more capital and resources to invest Impact Fund. When COVID-19 hit, we objectives and methodologies align as a business unit within Twilio. back into social good. Applying a social knew we had to adjust our model. We with our funding priorities and theory This allows to tap into corporate enterprise model ethically, however, is reached out to our grantees to identify of change. Multi-year, general support teams in employee engagement, not without its challenges. Success relies what they needed to achieve their goals funding is critical for social impact marketing, sales, partnerships, and on experts coaching other teams on how and to ask if their funded project was organizations to create long-term systems product—rather than exist as an to partner with nonprofits and a pricing still a top priority. With flexibility to change, and we’ll be adapting our strategy outsider—and infuse a social impact and model that enables impact organizations use our funding as needed, grantees to incorporate this approach in 2021. community engagement perspective to invest at an accessible price point. felt liberated to address the changing across Twilio’s global workforce. challenges they saw in their communities.

          04 Holding executives 05 Tech must invest in our accountable for DEI goals communities not just is necessary for turning because our stakeholders values into action. increasingly demand Before we hired our first chief diversity the inside out, reviewing our hiring, talent it, but because it's the officer in September 2020, Twilio and people processes to ensure we committed to being an anti-racist are living our values. Executive leaders right thing to do. company and to holding ourselves are responsible for making progress on accountable with a racial justice and these plans and managers are expected equity metric. As part of the Twilio-wide to review DEI at quarterly business Many technology companies have earned because it’s the right thing to do. Twilio goal-setting framework, we created reviews. This level of accountability has a bad mark for not investing in protecting took the 1% pledge before we went a clear set of programs and required ensured we make progress on our goals. communities they serve and impact public, and we have heavily invested in progress reports. Our plan started from from misinformation, gentrification, and our impact efforts. When many tech harmful uses of their products. Employee, companies are leaving the San Francisco customer, and investor stakeholders have Bay Area, our CEO has pledged to stay and expressed their anger and frustration. invest. We believe our company should Not only should tech companies actively make the world better from being here, be working to mitigate harm caused and we expect stakeholders will push by their products, but tech companies more companies to increase community should invest in social impact and local investment in the coming years. neighborhoods from an early stage

          Section 06 About Twilio

          About Twilio About Millions of developers around the world any developer to use, yet robust enough is the social impact arm of Twilio. with Twilio technology, helping 266 million have used Twilio to unlock the magic of to power the world’s most demanding Moved by our customers, we’ve seen people a year. Since our founding, communications to improve any human applications. By making communications a how nonprofits and social enterprises use has provided $57 million in grants, donations, experience. Twilio has democratized part of every software developer’s toolkit, communications to tackle some of the world’s product credits, and discounts to social impact communications channels like voice, text, Twilio is enabling innovators across every biggest problems. From the American Red organizations. Through our signature employee chat, video, and email by virtualizing the industry—from emerging leaders to the Cross to the Norwegian Refugee Council, impact program, WePledge 1%, we have world’s communications infrastructure world’s largest organizations—to reinvent how empowers more than 6,000 mobilized over 52 percent of our employees through APIs that are simple enough for companies engage with their customers. organizations to respond to crises, provide to make a personal impact by participating life-changing resources, and inspire action in giving and volunteering programs. 2008 2013 2015 2018 2019 2020 Twilio is founded is Twilio joins Twilio achieves its Twilio launches WePledge 1% is open- established with the Pledge 1% goal of powering 1 WePledge 1% sourced to individuals goal of powering billion messages employee impact and companies globally 1 billion messages for good, 5 years program for good earlier than planned customers Twilio launches the and grantees reach Twilio announces Crisis Response and 266M people an ambitious goal Prevention Initiative to help 1 billion (CRPI) to help reaches $16M people each year communities in crisis in all-time donations and investments from the Impact Fund and $41M in product credits and discounts. 2010 2015 2020

          Methodology The 2020 Impact Report Dates covered Twilio is working with, since organizations may pools for special programs like COVID-19 response, documents the progress Twilio. Except where noted, all facts and figures cover be working across impact areas. This does not and product discounts that start at 25 percent. org, our customers and partners the 2020 calendar year (January - December). mean, however, that we have double-counted have made with regards to intended the number of people served annually. Impact Fund grants and investments impact, as well as activities carried Number of social impact organizations The number of organizations receiving grants out in our ESG and DEI programs. We We define the social impact organizations we work Number of people helped and investments, as well as the amount of utilize a variety of data collection with as those currently signed up for’s In the case of customers, we define a those grants and investments are reported and analysis methods to track this Impact Access program. To estimate the number of “person helped” as an individual who has sent or from’s internal records. This includes progress, which are described in organizations that correspond to each impact area, received a message or phone call through one of grants and investments made in 2019, for which further detail in this section. we took a statistically significant sample of Impact our customers. This information is tracked implementation began or continued in 2020. Access members, reviewed their websites to better (anonymously) via Twilio’s backend system. understand their work, and then assigned each to one Employee volunteering and giving or more impact areas. We then used this sample to For Impact Fund grantees and investees who are Twilio tracks employee impact—dollars estimate the number of organizations that are doing not Twilio customers, we collect this information donated and volunteer hours served— work towards each of our intended impacts, among via grant applications and reports. Note that via our internal Benevity platform.’s entire population of customers. Note does not ask grantees to segregate the that a random sample of organizations was taken contribution of our grant when estimating the Carbon emissions in October 2020, and included 1,749 organizations number of people helped, due to the burden that Our carbon footprint was measured by Carbon out of 6,061 total Impact Access members. The this request would place on the organizations. Thus, Footprint Ltd, which is ISO14001:2015 certified confidence interval for this sample was 95 percent this data represents the contribution of to for environmental management. The data and the margin of error +/- two percent. helping the grantees’ intended beneficiaries, along reflect our 2019 carbon footprint (not 2020). with the organization’s other funding sources. It is important to note that organizations may be Diversity, equity, and inclusion data doing work across impact areas, and thus, may be Product credits and discounts provided All employee demographic data is self- counted in multiple sections. This means that the This metric includes $500 USD in product credits reported by Twilions and pulled from Twilio's number of organizations in each impact area does for each social impact organization that joins Twilio. Workday database as of December 31, 2020. not add up to the total number of organizations org’s Impact Access Program, additional credit This data does not include Segment.

          This report contains forward-looking This impact report contains forward-looking efforts to help with response and prevention of fully described in Twilio’s most recent filings statements within the meaning of the federal crises. You should not rely upon forward-looking with the Securities and Exchange Commission, statements securities laws, which statements involve statements as predictions of future events. including its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended substantial risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking September 30, 2020 filed on October 29, 2020. statements generally relate to future events or our The outcome of the events described in these Further information on potential risks that could future financial or operating performance or social forward-looking statements is subject to known affect actual results will be included in the impact and governance goals and expectations. and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors subsequent periodic and current reports and In some cases, you can identify forward-looking that may cause Twilio’s actual results, performance, other filings that Twilio makes with the Securities statements because they contain words such as or achievements to differ materially from those and Exchange Commission from time to time. “may,” “can,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “expects,” described in the forward-looking statements, “plans,” “anticipates,” “could,” “intends,” “target,” including, among other things: adverse changes Forward-looking statements represent Twilio’s “projects,” “contemplates,” “believes,” “estimates,” in general economic or market conditions; the management’s beliefs and assumptions only as “predicts,” "forecasts," “potential,” or “continue” or impact of COVID-19 on Twilio and its employees, of the date such statements are made. Twilio the negative of these words or other similar terms customers, and partners; Twilio’s ability to influence undertakes no obligation to update any forward- or expressions that concern our expectations, organizations, customers, and partners to works looking statements made in this report to reflect strategy, plans or intentions. Forward-looking towards common social impact goals; and the events or circumstances after the date of this report statements contained in this report include, but impact of social and environmental factors beyond or to reflect new information or the occurrence of are not limited to, statements about: Twilio’s Twilio’s control, including racial injustice, social unanticipated events, except as required by law. ability to achieve its social impact and governance unrest, natural disasters, and similar events goals, the impact on Twilio and its customers and partners related to COVID-19, Twilio’s expectations The forward-looking statements contained in regarding its ESG and DEI programs and initiatives, this report are also subject to additional risks, and the future outlook for Twilio’s continued uncertainties, and factors, including those more

          Section 07 Appendix

          Active Grants Impact Fund 2-1-1 Maryland Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Tarjimly Active Grants (2020) Africa's Voices Foundation MomsRising Tech Matters Atma Connect NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) The Steve Fund Benefits Data Trust Norwegian Refugee Council Thorn Beyond Conflict notOk App Trans Lifeline Black Girls Code NPower Translators without Borders Black Voters Matter Fund Objective Zero Trek Medics International CARE Operation Fistula The National Center for Victims of Crime Child Helpline International Partnership to End Addiction The National Domestic Workers Alliance Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Polaris The Trevor Project Crisis Response Network Protect Democracy Turn2Me Democracy Works rAINbow United Ways of California Education, Training & Research (ETR) Associates RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) USA for UNHCR Fast Forward REFUNITE Vibrant Emotional Health Good Call Rescue America Woke Vote International Rescue Committee Save the Children WeRobotics ISeeChange SMASH Year Up Jacaranda Health St. James Infirmary

          Our carbon footprint by Scope and Source Activity (2019) Results of Twilio Inc's carbon Scope Activity Tonnes CO₂e footprint assessment by Scope 1 Refrigeration & A/C/ 63.78 scope and source activity Vehicle fuel usage 1.24 Scope 1 Sub Total 65.12 Scope 2 Electricity generation 4,618.89 Scope 2 Sub Total 4,618.89 Scope 3 Flights 10,490.89 Data Centres 1,597.64 Electricity transmission & distribution 325.28 Taxi travel 158.21 Employee owned car travel (grey fleet) 63.62 Rail travel 52.30 Water (and wastewater) 38.12 Bus travel (shuttle service) 17.86 Scope 3 Sub Total 12,743.93 Total tonnes of CO₂e 17,427.95 Tonnes of CO₂e per $M turnover 15.42

          2020 Impact Report Building communications to change lives This report brought to you by

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