CONTENT WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT & SUBSTANCE USE Impact Area 01 Spikes in calls in for crisis services A history of committed partnership Building hotlines of hope Crisis response organizations saw extraordinary At, we focus on supporting people Our impact partners, both customers and grantees, demand in 2020. Stay-at-home orders and financial through acute crises such as natural disasters, demonstrated extraordinary innovation in building Responding distress exacerbated existing challenges for sexual abuse, substance use, refugee displacement, easy-to-use, confidential, scalable helplines to many people. RAINN, a national sexual assault mental health emergencies, and more. In 2019, we support people facing personal crises in 2020. to crisis hotline, reported a record 60,000 survivors established our Crisis Response and Prevention Twilio worked with 528 customer organizations of sexual assault and violence accessed their Initiative (CRPI) and Crisis Response Technology during the year focused on crisis response work, crisis line in May and June of 2020, including a Network (CRTN) to provide technology and share including Trans Lifeline, Norweigan Refugee Our Goal: record percentage of minors. The Partnership best practices across the industry. The group of Council, and Save the Children. In addition to Connect people in acute to End Addiction reported a nearly 50 percent leading organizations in their respective issue donations for COVID-19 rapid response and crisis with the help they increase in connections to help families overcome areas collaborates on how to innovate to help more disaster relief, we granted $2.9 million through need, when they need it addiction in the early days of the pandemic. people in crisis and leads Twilio in determining our Impact Fund to 20 organizations operating 2020 was also a record year for natural disasters, how best to support the sector. With the CRTN’s crisis lines to help people access legal support, from fires in Australia and the western United feedback, we’ve built product templates and code culturally appropriate medical care, domestic abuse States to a record-breaking hurricane season. samples to help organizations quickly stand up support, suicide prevention, and resettlement aid. crisis hotlines based on their unique needs. 528 crisis organizations using Twilio products $4M distributed through the Impact Fund 8

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