With so many ways to make an impact These impact areas represent the change we Inspiring action engages people to take How Twilio in our world, we’ve focused on three hope to see in the world through the nonprofit action to change the world for good. Whether areas where we’ve seen our unique customers and grantees we serve. We’ve organizing communities, advocating for causes, makes a assets and customer engagement designed our programs for product support or contacting public officials, this impact area platform make the biggest difference: and discounts (Impact Access Program), mobilizes people to create positive social change. grants and investments (Impact Fund), and our difference 01 Responding to crisis employee impact program (WePledge 1%) to Building better lives is how we support 02 Inspiring action drive positive social change in these areas. people to improve their long-term outcomes 03 Building better lives and well-being. We do this by empowering Responding to crisis focuses on helping people in nonprofits to help those at risk connect with acute crises, or those facing an immediate threat to resources to build better lives through education, their wellbeing, get the help they need when they financial resources, healthcare, and more. need it. Our nonprofit partners often provide these services through crisis helplines and hotlines. We invest to empower to help Product: Respond to crisis Impact Access Program People in acute crisis get the help Twilio tech, discounts, credits, they need right when they need it Our approach technical support and partnerships to social change People: Our social impact partners Inspire action WePledge 1% Nonprofit organizations and People take action to change social enterprises committed to the world for good Employee giving and volunteer programs creating positive social change Capital: Build better lives Impact Fund People at risk connect with Grants and investments resources to build better lives

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