Methodology The 2020 Impact Report Dates covered Twilio is working with, since organizations may pools for special programs like COVID-19 response, documents the progress Twilio. Except where noted, all facts and figures cover be working across impact areas. This does not and product discounts that start at 25 percent. org, our customers and partners the 2020 calendar year (January - December). mean, however, that we have double-counted have made with regards to intended the number of people served annually. Impact Fund grants and investments impact, as well as activities carried Number of social impact organizations The number of organizations receiving grants out in our ESG and DEI programs. We We define the social impact organizations we work Number of people helped and investments, as well as the amount of utilize a variety of data collection with as those currently signed up for’s In the case of customers, we define a those grants and investments are reported and analysis methods to track this Impact Access program. To estimate the number of “person helped” as an individual who has sent or from’s internal records. This includes progress, which are described in organizations that correspond to each impact area, received a message or phone call through one of grants and investments made in 2019, for which further detail in this section. we took a statistically significant sample of Impact our customers. This information is tracked implementation began or continued in 2020. Access members, reviewed their websites to better (anonymously) via Twilio’s backend system. understand their work, and then assigned each to one Employee volunteering and giving or more impact areas. We then used this sample to For Impact Fund grantees and investees who are Twilio tracks employee impact—dollars estimate the number of organizations that are doing not Twilio customers, we collect this information donated and volunteer hours served— work towards each of our intended impacts, among via grant applications and reports. Note that via our internal Benevity platform.’s entire population of customers. Note does not ask grantees to segregate the that a random sample of organizations was taken contribution of our grant when estimating the Carbon emissions in October 2020, and included 1,749 organizations number of people helped, due to the burden that Our carbon footprint was measured by Carbon out of 6,061 total Impact Access members. The this request would place on the organizations. Thus, Footprint Ltd, which is ISO14001:2015 certified confidence interval for this sample was 95 percent this data represents the contribution of to for environmental management. The data and the margin of error +/- two percent. helping the grantees’ intended beneficiaries, along reflect our 2019 carbon footprint (not 2020). with the organization’s other funding sources. It is important to note that organizations may be Diversity, equity, and inclusion data doing work across impact areas, and thus, may be Product credits and discounts provided All employee demographic data is self- counted in multiple sections. This means that the This metric includes $500 USD in product credits reported by Twilions and pulled from Twilio's number of organizations in each impact area does for each social impact organization that joins Twilio. Workday database as of December 31, 2020. not add up to the total number of organizations org’s Impact Access Program, additional credit This data does not include Segment.

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