ESG spotlight Growing and Orientation and functional onboarding Performance management, action plan with their team based on their results. Twilio has hired more than 2,000 people in the promotions, and talent reviews We also engage in informal mechanisms last two years. Accordingly, we’ve focused our In 2019, we introduced a new performance of feedback, including leadership round- developing talent development investments on getting our system, whereby managers first work with tables to better understand the experience new hires onboarded faster, and in the age of their teams to set clear priorities through our of select communities. All Twilions can Twilio talent COVID-19, entirely remotely. New hires attend a Big Picture, Priorities, and Measures (BPM) raise questions directly to our executive one-week interactive orientation that includes two goal-setting framework, then have regular team in company-wide calls. days of "Welcome to Twilio" content. They also and meaningful feedback conversations with participate in a coding bootcamp to learn how to their team members throughout the year. Employee safety launch a Twilio app. This program has become Employees conduct bi-annual performance Twilio is also committed to a safe and healthy a rite of passage for new employees and helps reviews that include written stakeholder work environment for all our employees, and them “wear the customer's shoes,” one of our feedback, robust calibration, and a detailed has an Injury and Illness Prevention Program that core company values. Those who successfully assessment of each Twilion’s work. Our focuses on Twilio’s commitment to emergency create their own app are able to sport the red executive team also reviews our senior preparedness and health and safety. Twilio track jacket proudly. Twilions finish their leadership talent pools annually, at a minimum, onboarding week with functional bootcamps and we further invest in high performing and tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. high potential Twilions through compensation Responding to COVID-19 and targeted leadership development. To support employee wellbeing, Twilio established Manager development a number of new programs in response to We offer a foundational set of manager Engagement and employee experience the pandemic and the transition to full-time enablement solutions to build leadership We typically run our Employee Experience work from home. We established No Meeting excellence. These programs focus our managers survey twice per year, with a focus on four Fridays, created flexible work schedules, gave on a defined set of expectations, which we key areas: employee engagement, manager employees a home office stipend, a caregiver measure them against in their bi-annual Manager effectiveness, belonging and inclusion, stipend, free membership, and paid Effectiveness Survey. We further support and overall employee experience. time off through our COVID-19 Support Leave managers with an ecosystem of training and Every Twilion is able to review survey results to care for a family member. Great Place to workshops, such as our Manager Quickstart, for the company and their department. Senior Work recognized Twilio as one of the 2020 Best Managing to Unlock Performance, and Manager leaders also receive the qualitative comments and Workplaces for Parents as a result of these new Foundations. Additionally, every manager is analysis from our HR team that informs annual efforts and our existing benefits for parents. provided a professional coach through BetterUp. planning, and managers are required to create an

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