04 Holding executives 05 Tech must invest in our accountable for DEI goals communities not just is necessary for turning because our stakeholders values into action. increasingly demand Before we hired our first chief diversity the inside out, reviewing our hiring, talent it, but because it's the officer in September 2020, Twilio and people processes to ensure we committed to being an anti-racist are living our values. Executive leaders right thing to do. company and to holding ourselves are responsible for making progress on accountable with a racial justice and these plans and managers are expected equity metric. As part of the Twilio-wide to review DEI at quarterly business Many technology companies have earned because it’s the right thing to do. Twilio goal-setting framework, we created reviews. This level of accountability has a bad mark for not investing in protecting took the 1% pledge before we went a clear set of programs and required ensured we make progress on our goals. communities they serve and impact public, and we have heavily invested in progress reports. Our plan started from from misinformation, gentrification, and our impact efforts. When many tech harmful uses of their products. Employee, companies are leaving the San Francisco customer, and investor stakeholders have Bay Area, our CEO has pledged to stay and expressed their anger and frustration. invest. We believe our company should Not only should tech companies actively make the world better from being here, be working to mitigate harm caused and we expect stakeholders will push by their products, but tech companies more companies to increase community should invest in social impact and local investment in the coming years. neighborhoods from an early stage

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