Impact spotlight Engaging employees in social change Open-sourcing the program Inspired by the Pledge 1% movement, Twilio At SIGNAL 2020, Twilio’s annual developer and founded the WePledge 1% program in 2019 to customer conference, we announced we were Building a global empower our employees‚ Twilions to take action open-sourcing WePledge 1% to individuals for good. Through the program, Twilions commit around the world and other companies. Our movement of to giving one percent of their time, income, inaugural partners, Atlassian, Okta, and or equity to do good. We support them by Zoom, signed on to enable their more than providing volunteer time off, accessible volunteer 13,000 total employees to take action for employee giving opportunities, matching gifts, and the opportunity social good, and Pledge 1% brought WePledge to donate company equity. It’s a model proven 1% to its global community of impact-led Our WePledge 1% program activates to drive impact at scale. In the first year of companies. We also opened WePledge 1% to employees and individuals to the program, 1,387 Twilions took the Pledge, every individual who wants to pledge to do contribute 1% to do good donated a combined $1.1 million dollars, and good, even if they don’t work at one of these contributed 7,871 hours of service to social good. companies. To amplify the community’s impact, Twilio donated $1 million toward organizations selected by WePledge 1% members. 52% 1,387 7,871 $1.1M 1,117 3 of Twilions individuals volunteer donated by social impact organizations participated including 37% of hours logged Twilions organizations bringing WePledge 1% in WePledge 1% employess, took the and matched receiving WePledge 1% to their companies programs 1% pledge by Twilio support

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