Investing in equity & anti-racism Holding ourselves accountable In 2020, Twilio made a commitment to We are invested in building a more diverse, becoming an anti-racist organization, equitable, and inclusive global workplace. leveraging our product, people, and resources At Twilio we define these terms as: to create a more just and equitable world. • Diversity: Building our compositional I joined Twilio in September because We are dedicated to thinking carefully about I was struck by their genuine how we show up in the world and fight against representation by attracting diverse talent commitment to become an anti- inequities in our systems, processes, and • Equity: Ensuring we have equitable mechanisms racist company. This commitment products while holding ourselves accountable. in place to invest in, evaluate, and reward talent was made at the executive level, We will do this by building a foundation of before I joined as the chief diversity processes, policies, data, reporting, and • Inclusion: Creating safe spaces for all Twilions officer. Twilio didn't wait until I was insights to align and drive our strategy. hired to do this work; they owned their commitment and established accountabilities to stay on track." 70% LYBRA CLEMONS 38.7% 5.5% 6.5% (SHE/HER), of employees of U.S. employees of U.S. employees of employees — participated in CHIEF DIVERSITY OFFICER, identified as female identified as Black identified as LatinX "Be Inclusive" TWILIO (+6 pts) (+2 pts) (+1 pt) curriculum

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