Customer spotlight Every year, 7 million children in the U.S. miss a communications platform composed of percent increase in usage of its KiNVO platform, a month or more of school. As early as the Twilio’s Programmable Messaging, Voice, Notify, including attendance notifications, emergency sixth grade, student attendance is the leading Lookup, and Phone Numbers APIs. KiNVO alerts, and two-way messaging with caregivers. Reducing indicator of high school graduation. Only 20 instantly translates two-way messages in 80+ percent of students who are chronically absent languages, so teachers and parents can have As distance learning continues to be the new student in ninth grade will graduate from high school. conversations even if the language used in class normal, the flexibility and scalability of KiNVO’s isn’t the parent’s home language. And, KiNVO SMS-based communications generated a 63 For the team at Kinvolved, the mission is seemingly doesn’t require access to the internet, making percent increase in the number of new students it absenteeism simple: increase student achievement by the platform more accessible to many families. serves, as new district partners have signed on. minimizing absenteeism. Kinvolved is a mission- Kinvolved helps schools driven organization that helps school systems In the wake of COVID-19, school closures and Using a holistic approach that combines engage families and improve improve family engagement and attendance the sudden transition to remote learning made technology, tools, and human intervention, student attendance in service of elevating student outcomes and attendance an even more significant challenge. Kinvolved seeks to change the deeply ingrained keeping students on track to graduate. While many schools across the country suddenly behaviors and external factors affecting realized they were missing contact information student attendance and chronic absence. With equity and engagement at the center of and unable to reach their students and families, Kinvolved’s approach, the team created the KiNVO schools were prepared. During the onset attendance platform KiNVO, which includes of the pandemic, Kinvolved saw a more than 200 We’ve found that SMS is one of PATRICK MCLAUGHLIN the most reliable ways to engage — families, because even if they DIRECTOR OF MARKETING, don’t have Internet connection or KINVOLVED a smartphone, most adults in the United States, at this point, have some type of cellular device that can receive text messages.”

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