Furthering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices at Twilio ESG oversight of whom bring unique perspectives to Twilio’s Data and privacy Twilio is committed to sound governance and management and oversight. Senior executives Customer trust is key to our success and that oversight of our impact on our community provide regular updates to the board, and the of our shareholders. That is why we take a “no and environment. For this reason, our Board’s board regularly engages with executives and the shenanigans” approach to data protection. This Nominating and Corporate Governance broader company, including attending certain includes making sure that everyone has information Committee has direct oversight in its charter of business reviews and company-wide meetings. on how we process data, which can be found in our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) our Privacy Statement, and disclosing how we Updated our activities and related strategies. We have also Our commitment to corporate governance handle government requests in our semi-annual carbon footprint established an ESG Committee that is made up of a is articulated in our annual Proxy Statement Transparency Report. Twilio also has a host of third- measure cross-functional leadership team for a holistic view disclosure, which provides detailed information party assurance around our implementation of to set a baseline for of ESG topics across Twilio. This ESG Committee on our board structure and composition, security best practices, which can be found along improvement over time has oversight of ESG policies and controls at Twilio. stockholder rights and engagement, executive with additional security information on our website. For more information on our ESG documents compensation, and other key governance topics. and disclosures, visit our investor website. Business ethics Human rights We describe our business ethics and Corporate governance Twilio is committed to furthering human rights and responsibilities in our Code of Conduct and Effective corporate governance practices are to identifying and mitigating risks that business provide required training to all our employees Named important for business execution, and are operations could pose to such rights. Twilio’s and management on ethical business conduct, ultimately a benefit for our shareholders. Twilio’s Human Right’s Statement outlines our human rights anti-corruption, and anti-harassment. 2020 board is made up of directors with a mix of approach with regards to privacy, labor practices, Best Workplaces skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds, all anti-discrimination, and diversity in the workplace. for Parents by Great Places to Work

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