CONTENT WARNING: SUICIDE Customer spotlight Supporting LGBTQ youth in crisis The Trevor Project built a new In the U.S., suicide is the second leading cause program—onto Twilio Programmable SMS, which Partners like Twilio have enabled SMS platform to more quickly of death among young people ages 10 to 24, eliminated a 10-second delay for each message The Trevor Project’s counselors to triage messages and deliver and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, sent via their old platform. This has resulted in send and receive messages from mental health support and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are four times saving 10 minutes per conversation on average, LGBTQ youth in crisis at a faster rate, more likely to attempt suicide than their peers. allowing Trevor to serve more young people and improving our ability to serve higher provide critical help to each individual as quickly volumes more effectively. When it The Trevor Project knows that supportive as possible. The switch to Twilio SMS, along with comes to suicide prevention, every adults can be life-savers for LGBTQ young other actions taken by Trevor, contributed to a second counts, so this technology people experiencing mental health issues and 22 percent increase in crisis contacts served in helps us save young lives.” suicidal thoughts. For more than 20 years, the the first six months of the platform re-launch. organization has provided free and confidential crisis intervention and suicide prevention services The new SMS platform enables The Trevor to LGBTQ youth via phone, text, and chat. Project to conduct a pre-counseling risk JOHN CALLERY assessment to prioritize higher-risk contacts in (HE/HIM) Twilio technology has played a crucial role in the queue. The Twilio-powered platform further — VP OF TECHNOLOGY, the organization’s ability to scale their programs enables counselors to transfer conversations, THE TREVOR PROJECT and serve more youth. The organization which ensures a sustainable model for all moved TrevorText—The Trevor Project’s SMS staff and volunteer crisis counselors. Social Impact Heroes: Twilio customers and grantees leading in crisis response

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