Impact spotlight A rush of overlapping crises • Luma Health launched their video donated $1 million to COVID-19 relief efforts by COVID-19 threw many people into hardship telehealth solution in two weeks and the UN Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community with spikes in food insecurity, financial distress, helped more than 19,000 health care Foundation, and the Colorado Mile High United Helping people and health emergencies. Twilio was built to providers adapt to remote care. Way. Our employees donated more than $88,000 respond to an unprecedented emergency like • The City of Pittsburgh’s IT department moved to relief causes together with our company match. through the this. We activated our team and technology to help organizations on the front lines provide its 311 contact center operations remote in Providing product support and best practices, we distanced-friendly health, education, and financial just one week to continue to allow residents published our COVID-19 Communications Field pandemic support through digital communications. to report non-emergency problems or get Guide to help organizations transform physical information, like where to get a COVID-19 test. communications to digital in just a few days. We Recognizing community heroes • ATLFAMILYMEAL distributed more shared communication templates and developer From healthcare organizations implementing than 75,000 meals to Atlanta-area tutorials for mass notifications, telemedicine, telehealth appointments, to food banks hospitality workers by coordinating food distance learning, contactless delivery, and more. transforming physical wait lines into scheduled drop offs with SMS notifications. texts, there are countless Community Heroes that To help slow the spread of the virus, our innovated to serve more people during this time Helping our neighbors team collaborated closely with public health of crisis using Twilio technology. Here are just a To support our global community and the departments to launch contact centers for few of the many organizations we honored: neighborhoods near our largest offices, we contact tracing and vaccination distribution. Over Supported $1M $88,215 1 billion 28 telehealth minutes contact tracing donated donated ief efforts by Twilio bal relief efforts to rel powered by initiatives to glo Twilio Video covering nearly ½ of via the Impact Fund employees, including U.S. population Twilio’s match

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