Grantee spotlight Focusing on low frequency MomsRising leveraged digital MomsRising depends on cutting edge and traditional engagement technology to do just about all our voters strategies to mobilize voters work. The connectivity it enables is our superpower. Without texting and At the outset of the 2020 election, MomsRising to vote), as well as more tried and true approaches other technologies, we wouldn’t be set a goal of sending 3 million get out the like texting, phone calls, and postcards. They able to educate people and mobilize vote texts to low frequency mom voters. also ran digital ads in multiple languages. grassroots action to advance solutions Thanks to support from more than 72,000 to the most critical issues facing volunteers and funding from donors like MomsRising sees technology as key to their women, mothers, and families., they sent 23+ million texts instead. efforts moving forward. Texting, organization leaders say, is an accessible and effective way to Founded in 2006, MomsRising is a transformative, engage volunteers, and in the future, MomsRising KRISTIN on-the-ground and online multicultural nonprofit, hopes to work with partners like Twilio to explore ROW-FINKBEINER focused on increasing family economic security, ways for text programs to effectively scale. The — ending discrimination against women and organization is also engaging moms outside of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR mothers, and building a nation where businesses election cycles, and they’ve already made more & CEO, MOMSRISING and families can thrive. Their 2020 get out the than 800,000 constituent contacts around COVID- vote efforts aimed to increase voter participation 19 relief alone, leveraging technology to amplify among women and mothers, and their strategy the political power of one of the largest and most included novel approaches targeted specifically influential voting blocs in the U.S.—moms. towards moms (such as providing activities that parents can do with children while waiting in line Social Impact Heroes: Twilio customers and grantees leading social change by inspiring people to take action

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